Ash Pahil


Ash looks up to Iron Man (not his tech, but how rich Tony Stark is)
Jokes aside, Ash Pahil is a veteran of Digital Marketing. From creating a buzz on social media and getting off-the-chart numbers to creating buttery smooth websites and interfaces, Ash can handle it all, thanks to the decades of experience he has in the field.

Being the CEO and Founder of WebGlobals, Ash handles everything from content to website design, keeping an eye on everything that requires his expertise. Sadly, he doesn’t have Jarvis to handle it all

When not at work, you would find Ash playing cricket, listening to music, or watching some movies…need some recommendations?

Last but not least, Ash’s superhero inspiration is his mother. She motivates him to do what he does best and go that extra mile even when he feels exhausted; is someone cutting onions?

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